Saturday 7th September, in the Village Hall Keen to get...
What's the Flower Show?
In Barcombe it’s a good-natured local competition with a horticultural theme. We hold Spring and Autumn shows in the Village Hall, and if necessary can hold a virtual version online.
Whether in the hall or online, our Shows are built around Classes. These change with the season, are open for anyone to enter and include some specifically for children.
Individual classes are listed in a Schedule. This is published a month or so before the event; you’ll find printed versions in Barcombe Village Shop from late February (Spring Show) and late July (Autumn Show). Or once available, you can download one from this website. Meanwhile, to see what’s on offer you can check out this sample Schedule.
Classes certainly aren’t restricted to horticulture. You can also exercise your talents for cookery, photography, craft and more, and can enter as many classes as you like.
The Flower Show follows rules set by the Royal Horticultural Society. Normally, surplus produce is auctioned at the end of the day, but for the time being it will be priced and sold. Either way it’s time to pick up a bargain!
Who organises? The Flower Show is run by a small committee (some Garden Club members, some not) plus a vital band of volunteers on Show day. The Show is separate from the Garden Club, but actively supported by it!
Whatever the season, our Shows are always friendly!

Spring Show 2024
Saturday 6th April In the Village Hall The seasons turn...
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